Statutory Self-Employment Pay

In a draft bill announced by the House of Commons public bill committee, self-employed individuals could about to be provided with a much needed lifeline.

After all of the announcements in the past few weeks regarding businesses & employed individuals, many self-employed individuals have been left uncertain of their position.

The bill, subject to approval, would provide a welcome relief for many freelancers & self employed people. It will provide these individuals with a guaranteed income in line with those announced for ‘furloughed’ employed workers. Under the proposed legislation, self-employed individuals could receive 80% of their monthly net earnings based on an average of the previous 3 years. A limit up to a maximum of £2,917 per month will be applied.

Currently Self-employed people are not eligible for statutory sick pay should they be unable to work as a result of covid-19. They are however are able to claim the equivalent £94.25 per week in state benefit.