
SEISS grants
Coronavirus Updates

SEISS grants overpayments chased by HMRC

SEISS grants overpayments chased by HMRC HMRC is now contacting taxpayers who received more SEISS grants than they were entitled to. Taxpayers may repay a partial amount, or repay their grants in full, with the option to appeal within 30 days.  HMRC is examining the SEISS claims and comparing them to amended returns. Indeed including

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Coronavirus Updates

Fifth SEISS Grant

The fifth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant is due to open for claims from mid-late July. Despite the fifth grant encompassing a five-month period from 1st May to 30th September, individuals will only receive three months’ worth of average trading profits for this five-month period. Eligibility critieria Eligibility will be the same as for

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